
The hidden cost of dealing with Larke-v-Nugus requests is £800 per request, according to our latest research.
*based on the average hourly rate of £200 with a single response taking 4 hours on average.

Larke Calculator
Using Larke SAVES you money

Larke will create Larke v Nugus responses for ALL your wills and will-writers for a fraction of what it currently costs.

A monthly subscription gives you unlimited use of Larke for just:

Using Larke can MAKE you money

Larke can be recharged to your will clients by providing them with the Larke Report as an added layer of protection against any claims against their will.

Each month, Larke can produce a Larke statement on all of your wills, producing a separate line of income of .
* This is based on our recommended charge to your will client of £25 per statement provided to each of your clients. What you actually charge is at your discretion.

Larke pricing

For sole practitioners or teams:

  • A monthly subscription of £14.99 per user per month + £4.99 per report.;
  • A monthly subscription of £45 per user per month with free unlimited usage of Larke;

Anything else?

By using Larke you will save and make money and you will also have the additional benefits of…

  • Assistance in avoiding negligence claims
  • A supervisor dashboard to track the progress of all will writers in your team
  • An improved client service – helping you to make your wills safer – leading to more referrals

… you begin to wonder why no one’s thought of this sooner!

Sign up to Larke today and generate your first Larke Report for FREE!